Photo-Workshop for Malmo Live
Malmö youth portray their lives with disposable cameras
The photography exhibition “Tänk vad mycket mina ögon har visat mig” (“Imagine what my eyes have shown me”) gives a personal insight into people’s lives with stories taken from Malmö. Nine photographers exhibit a total of 30 pictures and in common is that the pictures are taken with disposable cameras.
Photographer Futuro Berg did a project in a refugee camp in Calais a couple of years ago. He released a number of disposable cameras for asylum-seekers/refugees and allowed them to photograph and document his everyday life. The project got Ansar Bakir, coordinator of Malmö Live’s youth network 040 Live, to contact him to do a similar project in Malmö.
The exhibition was held at Malmo Live and stayed up for over 2 months.